Ovis Telematics Starts Nation wide Energy Efficiency project for cold stores

Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 2013-10-07

Ovis Telematics starts a nation wide project to develop a monitoring tool for the Dutch Cold-store sector. The project is a joint cooperation with the Dutch branche sector, the Government and a number of cold stores. During the 1,5 year project, participants will research for a monitoring tool that will help cold stores saving energy.

Ovis Telematics establises partnership with Antaris Solutions


Ovis Succesfully establised a long-term partnership with Antaris Solutions.

Antaris Solutions is solution provider for high-end cool-chain monitoring solutions, offering services for a number of fortune 500 players in the pharmaceutical, globally offering its solutions.

In order to offer optimized quality and services of its cool chain solutions, Antaris Solutions was looking for a partner that was able to support its monitoring solutions for its customers.

“Ovis Telematics offerst the know-how and experience to facilitate our customers with the best support” according to CEO Eelco de Jong of Antaris.

successful implementation of a cool-chain monitoring solution

Johannesburg (South Africa)

For our Cool Chain Solutions partner Antaris Solutions, Ovis Telematics successfully installed a monitoring network in a distribution center of a major internationally operating logistics service provider. The network in installed to monitor the quality of perishable goods during storage at the warehouse. Ovis Telematics will remotely keep track of the network performances, optimizing network reliability in a cost effective way.

Installation energy monitoring solution coldstore completed


This week Ovis Telematics succesfully installed an energy monitoring solution at Lintelo coldstore. Being one of the largest coldstores in the eastern part of the Netherlands, Lintelo was looking for a tool to give detailed analyses on energy consumtion in its freezing compartments. Ovis Telematics installed a Wireless sensor network that monitors energy and temperature.

LEM dataconnector for energy monitoring released


The Ovis Telematics LEM Dataparser enables solution providers and system integrators to easily integrate the LEM® Wireless Local Energy Meter (Wi-LEM) with custom software systems, saving cost on software development and minimizing the time to market of the energy monitoring solution.