How to get the best out of your event? – Smart RFID for Events

Enschede (Netherlands) 2013-10-02

statistics for events
Visitors of an event – a cool party, festival or exhibition – want to maximally experience the event by getting some fun before, during and after the event.

Sponsors of an event want to get the best visibility of their brand in a creative manner, so people will remember.

Event organizations dream about optimizing their operational processes: getting real time data of what’s happening on an event and making payment and access control easy.

During the “Cocagne Ultra Summer Shore” at May 24 in Enschede, The Netherlands, the solution to fulfill to these needs became reality. The Cocagne Ultra Summer Shore organization prepared a surprise treatment for VIP visitors by providing them with a funny gadget: The Smart Ty. This gadget however appeared to be a multifunctional tool during event… 

Watch the full video here.

Our pilot project illustrates a combination of Smart RFID techniques for Access Control, Payment, Social Media for Brand Activation, Event Statistics Generation and… last but not least… FUN for the audience.

The pilot clearly demonstrates the benefits of the Ovis Telematics Smart RFID solutions at event logistics:

  1. More visibility for sponsors via real-time interactive integration of Social Media.  
  2. Management information for the organization.
  3. FUN for visitors with the remotely controlled LEDs. 

Contact us to learn more about the Ovis Telematics solutions for your event.  

Award for ecodrive solution: NewVenture “ANWB Duurzame Mobiliteitsprijs”

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

With our new initiative “GreenStar Statistics” for analyzing and optimizing driver behavior we won a NewVenture award! Read the full pressrelease below. As this award was focussing on the Netherlands, we decided to issue this press release in Dutch. 

GreenStar Statistics heeft de ANWB Duurzame Mobiliteitsprijs gewonnen. Het bedrijf analyseert en verbetert rijgedrag via een plug&play ‘black box’ kastje in de auto. Wagenparkbeheerders kunnen hiermee structureel 5% tot 20% op brandstof, CO2 uitstoot en verzekeringspremie besparen. Een bijkomend voordeel is dat chauffeurs veiliger en minder schade rijden.
Met de prijs ontvangt de startup een bedrag van € 10.000,-. “Een fantastische stimulans om dit economische en ecologische initiatief van de grond te krijgen”, vertelt marketing & sales directeur Irene van Hogendorp.

Analyse en verbeteren van rijgedrag 

GreenStar Statistics verzamelt met een ‘black-box’ kastje in de auto informatie uit de boordcomputer en combineert dit met eigen sensormetingen en brandstofverbruik. Slimme algoritmes combineren deze informatie en beoordelen het rijgedrag met een cijfer. “Regelmatige, interactieve terugkoppeling van rijgedrag aan de chauffeur en wagenparkbeheerder in combinatie met tips, tricks en training, zorgen voor een duidelijk aantoonbare structurele verbetering”, legt van Hogendorp uit.

Over ANWB en New Venture
De Duurzame Mobiliteitsprijs is een samenwerking van de ANWB en New Venture. New Venture is in 1998 opgericht door het voormalig ministerie van Economische Zaken en adviesbureau McKinsey & Company, met als doel innovatieve ondernemers te begeleiden bij de start van hun bedrijf. New Venture is de grootste en eerste businessplancompetitie van Nederland en heeft in de afgelopen 13 jaar méér dan 1000 innovatieve bedrijven naar de start geholpen.

Over GreenStar Statistics
GreenStart Statistics is een initiatief van de R&D tak ‘Ovis Telematics’ van Dation uit Enschede. Dation is marktleider op het gebied van planning- en administratiesoftware voor rijscholen in Nederland en België. De oplossing van GreenStar Statistics heeft zich inmiddels bewezen en wordt momenteel uitgerold bij een bedrijf met een wagenpark van 1500 auto’s. 

Ovis Telematics wins Ecological Driving Tender

Brussels (Belgium) 2013-10-07

Ovis Telematics proudly announces winning a major tender for a 4 year project to monitor driving behavior with the aim of ‘Ecological driving’.

Countrywide, Ovis Telematics will equip over thousand vehicles with smart sensors to monitor driving behavior. Drivers will obtain directed advise on their driving behavior, helping them saving fuel and contribute to the environment.    

More news on this topic will follow soon. 

Successful delivery cold stores energy monitoring project

Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

Ovis Telematics delivered a nation wide project to develop a monitoring tool for the Dutch Cold-store sector. The project is a joint cooperation with the Dutch branche sector, the Government and a number of cold stores. During the 1,5 year project, participants have done pilots for a monitoring tool that will help cold stores saving energy.

The results were remarkable, showing saving potentials between 5% to 20% of energy consumption and clearly indicating how savings could be obtained. 

This case clearly illustrates the power of wireless monitoring solutions: all cases had different requirements, requiring a flexible solution. This was exactly that we are able to offer by using a variety of monitoring techniques and combining their information in the generic Shepherd application platform.      

The project will have follow-up in commercial implementations.  

Ovis Telematics releases Shepherd 2.0 monitoring and localization application

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Ovis Telematics updates its product application portfolio with Shepherd 2.0. This latest version of Shepherd offers significant improvements compared to the previous Shepherd versions:

  1. Detailed means for sensor analyses: easily and dynamically combine multiple sensors in one or multiple graphs. Static monitoring via a floor plan that provides KPI sensor information or dynamic monitoring of shipments via a Google maps API.
  2. Easily customizing your own “Dashboards”, transparently and on-demand providing customers the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) they are looking for.
  3. Integrated sensor inventory management, enabling easy management of high numbers of sensors
  4. Integrated support system (direct in contact with Ovis Telematics technical services and keeping track of RMAs).

The Shepherd 2.0 application connects with Ambient Systems temperature sensors (tmp-102 and PT-100), humidity sensors, contact sensors (open/close), 4TS localization and monitoring devices and LEM energy monitoring sensors. Ovis Telematics will continue development Shepherd 2.0. Dataparsers for highly customized sensors can be developed on demand.

The Shepherd 2.0 application platform will be used in broad application areas: Energy monitoring, monitoring perishable goods, asset tracking and inventory management.

Shepherd is available at a monthly license fee.

Please contact us for more information.


Example of Shepherd application data analyses