Our Award Winning GreenStar Statistics solution offers fleetmanagers of cars and vans a unique smart monitoring and training solution that saves them 5% to 20% on their fuel consumption and CO2 emission. Furthermore, with GreenStar Statistics a company can save on their insurance policies obtaining safer driving behavior of their drivers.
Ecological driving for fleet managers and drivers
GreenStar Statistics strongly differentiates from competitive initiatives on the following topics:
OVIS telematics
Ovis Telematics Development Spoorstraat 114Products & Services
Monitoring and Localiz...
Sensor and locali...
Real-time monitor...
In-depth sensor d...
Managed Services
Cost effective mo...
Remote sensor net...
24/7 quality control
Technology expertise
Hardware technologies
Wireless sensor n...
Localization (RTLS)
Software applications
Shepherd monitori...
Shepherd dataparser
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